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The Concept of Kendo





心身を練磨して 旺盛なる気力を養い

剣道の特性を通じて 礼節をとうとび

信義を重んじ 誠を尽くして

常に自己の修練につとめ   以って

国家社会を愛して 広く人類の平和、繁栄に



The Concept of Kendo

The concept of Kendo is to discipline the human character through the application of the principles of the Katana (sword).

The purpose of practicing Kendo is:

To mould the mind and body,

To cultivate a vigorous spirit,

And through correct and rigid training,

To strive for improvement in the art of Kendo,

To hold in esteem human courtesy and honour,

To associate with others with sincerity,

And to forever pursue the cultivation of oneself.

This will make one be able:

To love his/her country and society,

To contribute to the development of culture

And to promote peace and prosperity among all peoples.

All Japan Kendo Federation

文武両道 (Bunburyoudo)

The way of scholarly pursuit & refinements in martial techniques

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